Information for Exhibitors

July 2024

This year’s exhibition is a little earlier than usual and will run from Saturday 13th July to Saturday 27th July. It will be held as usual in the BB Hall, which sits opposite, and shares the car park with, Troon Swimming Pool.

It is a prerequisite that members who are exhibiting, participate in the Stewarding Rota, which is necessary for the success of the exhibition.


You will already have sent in information re your hanging works. Closing date for this was Sunday 23rd June.

Hand in evening

Hand-in day is on the 11th July at the BB Hall in Troon.

NB Hand in slots are by FIRST NAME initials.

Members whose first initials fall between A and F. Please arrive promptly between 5.00pm and 5.25pm.

Members whose first initials fall between G and L. Please arrive promptly between 5.25pm and 5.50pm.

Members whose initials fall between M and Z. Please arrive promptly between 5.50pm and 6.15 pm.

There are a huge number of paintings to log in, so your help in keeping to the times is very much appreciated. 

Portfolio works 

You can submit up to 6 Portfolio works - these are unframed works which can be maximum of A3  in size and up to 1 inch thick. These new restrictions are due to increasing number of members participating within a limited display space.

All artwork should be original. Cardmounts should be used for non canvas artwork and MUST be wrapped in cellophane, with a stick on label attached to the FRONT of the artwork, with the same pertinent information as the hanging works i.e. Artist name, Title, Medium and Price - see image on right:

Once again Committee members will be available to offer any help with the form.

Please contact:

Paul paul.nelis@yahoo.co.uk or

Sandra sandrainnestac@mail.com if you have any problems. Please complete the submission form by Monday 8 July

Members are asked to take personal responsibility for their work and ensure that it does not infringe any copyright.

We pride ourselves in our exhibition, and request that Artwork should be fresh and not have been exhibited at our exhibition previously.

Link to buying Cardmounts, with backing card and cellophane: https://amzn.eu/d/0cOqO3IZ

Please note - portfolio pieces are not eligible for awards, only hanging pieces qualify.

Hanging works 

MUST be fitted with rings and string at the back

Hanging works must have TWO labels;  one stick-on label on the reverse side of the work, and one drop-down label attached by string, which must fall beyond the bottom of your frame (This is for cataloging purposes and the label will eventually be cut off once hanging of the exhibition is complete). Please make sure to label according to these instructions - see images on the right. Paintings with missing/incorrect labels cause significant problems for volunteers doing the hanging.

Both labels must provide the following information ARTIST NAME, TITLE OF WORK, MEDIUM, PRICE

Large works

It is the artist’s responsibility to provide a sturdy, professional easel for any work which would be deemed large.  The easel must be suitable for supporting that work in a public exhibition.

TAC Greeting Cards Fundraising Exercise

To keep annual membership low, secure quality artist demonstrations and cover the increasing costs of hall hire etc.  members are invited to donate images of their artwork to be reproduced as Greetings Cards, for sale during our Summer Exhibition, with all proceeds going straight to Troon Art Club.

Seeing your artworks produced as cards provides a new perspective of your artwork. It is also a very direct way of helping to fund the club, so please consider participating.

You may submit up to 3 images. The cost of producing each image (10 cards & envelopes) is £6 with our partner printers Copystop, Troon. Maximum outlay to artist is £18 for 3 images.

After the exhibition has ended we will return any unsold cards to the artist.

Below are further details:

The cards are printed in Troon by Alan Baird, CopyStop Printers (alan@pro-guide.co.uk), 07947 892972, 81 Templehill, Troon, KA10 6BQ. Cards will be collected from Alan by the exhibition organisers.

1. Payment – You should pay CopyStop directly, by cash or BACs; The Copystop, Sort Code 80-22-60, A/C No. 18860066.  Please pay when ordering the cards and use your name as the reference.

2. The image - Email Alan a high quality jpg image(s), or take in your artwork to be scanned (max scanner size A2 approx. 24” x 18”)

All images must be with Alan by Friday 7th June at the latest.

3. Name and Title - If you want details on the rear of the card then you can include title, artist’s name and media when sending the image(s) to Alan.

4. Admin - If you are participating in the card fund raising activity, then please inform our Vice President, Sandra (sandrainnesTAC@mail.com), as to whether you will be submitting one image (10 cards), two images (20 cards) or three images (30 cards)

Rota submission requests                      

Each artist who exhibits, is expected to take their turn in the stewarding of the exhibition.  This may not apply in extenuating circumstances.

Please be as flexible as possible in your date fixing. FOUR rota slots are requested (of which ONLY two will be selected.  You will not be asked to do more!  This is just to enable some flexibility to juggle with all the requests).

Rota slots   11.00am – 13.00pm,  13.00pm – 15.00pm,  15.00 – 17.00pm,  17.00 – 19.00pm

Information on how to request rota slots will be sent out by email soon.


Collection of unsold work

Work which is unsold, must be collected on SUNDAY 28th July ONLY between 12noon - 1.00pm.

(If you cannot make it, arrange for someone to collect your works on your behalf, and inform us who that someone shall be.)

No Artwork is allowed to be removed from the exhibition on the final Saturday. Only buyers will have this privilege.