I’m largely a self-taught artist and had not painted since I was in secondary school.  Joining a small art group helped both to inspire and to develop my work. 

I then completed an illustration course (with the Open College of the Arts), this directed me to focus on animal illustrations that now typifies my work. 

My favourite medium is acrylic however I like to challenge myself by working in other mediums such as oils, pastels and watercolours. 

I spend most of my time mainly painting dog commissions (although I did get a hamster commission once), I also submit my work to local art exhibitions.

Painting to me represents the completion of a jigsaw.  The brush strokes are like the jigsaw pieces that need to be placed in a precise way to form the finished piece.  It’s fun at the start, frustrating in the middle and worth it at the end when all the brushstrokes finally fit together and form a picture, leaving you with a nice feeling of accomplishment.   Just like a jigsaw!