I am a retired art teacher - a job I loved.  Maybe it was because I was teaching art and simplifying for my pupils that my own drawing and painting took a back seat.

My other interests however had not and I continued my singing when I joined APOS and gradually moved from performance to back stage and costume work.  Something I had done while I was teaching and involved in all the school shows.

When I retired from teaching, I became a volunteer at Ayr Gaiety where I did Front of House work and continued doing costume work also, being involved with a couple of shows most years.

In 2013 I volunteered my services to Ayr Gaiety partnership to bring in Art Exhibition at the theatre and this turned out to be very varied and interesting involving amateurs, professionals, schools and the launch of the Carrick Art trail for S.A.C. as well as a diploma show for Ayr College.

Now I have decided that it is time to pick up the pencils and brushes again, and I am so grateful to Troon Art Club for their unfailing encouragement