Ayrshire born, I grew up in Troon where my love for art was ignited in early childhood when I lived in a cottage on Royal Troon golf course and could view the ever changing seasons. I was heavily influenced by the landscape surrounding me, painting many scenes of the golf course, seascapes looking out towards Arran and other sceneries around Ayrshire. Having begun my art career painting landscapes and seascapes I then became inspired by the movement and architecture of cities - enjoying the busy scenes they presented and capturing the movement of people going about their daily life.

Over the years I have learned to develop a style by experimenting with different mediums and approaches to art, settling on oil paints as a preferred medium. I am passionate about creating a mood in my work and like to achieve this by painting from an interesting view point.  A desire to express a mood through my paintings is also seen through the use of movement in my brushstrokes, use of colour, sometimes exaggerating the colour of the scene and lighting.